Learning God


God has given us the free will to choose to be in a relationship with Him.  For those of us who do so, we then are indwelled by the Holy Spirit and begin the process of “sanctification”.  This process continues for the rest of our lives.

This site is dedicated to the development of the disciples of Christ.  Below you will find content that focuses on God’s Word, God’s Plan and God’s Way. There is also a special section on Apologetics to prepare us to defend the faith!

All the books of the Bible have now been summarized and are available on the God’s Word section. Enjoy learning about the Word of God!

With all that is going on with Israel right now, we need to understand the biblical implications and provide our support to Israel.  Israel is God’s chosen instrument to express His plans and desires.  It is against Israel that all other nations are judged.  Those who respect and work alongside with Israel will be blessed.

When speaking to Abraham about the future nation of Israel, God said, 

And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” (Gen 12:2-3)

Our world is in major turmoil today. This is a worldwide phenomena, not just here in the U.S. Many people are questioning if we are in the Tribulation or if Jesus is about to return.  Believe it or not, the Bible tells us what to expect just before and after our Lord Jesus makes His second appearance here on earth.  Click the image to the right to zoom in on our general timeline of prophetic events. These all come with biblical references for you to dig into and study for yourself.

Our newest content focuses on a challenging topic for many Christians.  When does God answer prayers?  It seems to many that He doesn’t always answer them, at least not in the way they expect.  This study dives into why and how to develop a close relationship with God so that He will!

The topics covered in this study include:

  1. When Does God Answer Prayers?
  2. What We Need to Do In Order to Be Heard By God,
  3. How to Pray,
  4. What to Pray For.

This study focuses on the development of a believer from the time of acceptance of Jesus Christ as Savior through the process of Sanctification. We are saved by what Christ did for us on the cross, which is referred to as “justification”.  After that, the Holy Spirit takes up residence in us and guides us through this process, if we are willing to listen and learn.

This section provides detailed information on the books of the Bible. Books are being added on a regular basis.

Understand Who God is and what He wants us to learn.

Learn how God provides a plan of redemption for humanity.

Learn the skill of defending the faith.  We provide the basics on the methodology and mindset needed, and defense against arguments in 5 major categories.

General Information