Learning God

What is "Apologetics"

When Christians speak of apologetics, we are not saying we should apologize for the gospel or anything others might find offensive about God’s truth.  The term “apologetics” comes from the Greek word “apologia”, which means to provide a speech in defense of a specific point.  We are told by Peter in 1 Peter 3:15 to be ready to provide a defense of our faith when asked. That is what apologetics is all about.

Paul tells us in Philippians 1:17, “…I am appointed for the defense of the gospel.” 

In this section we discuss the reasons for doing apologetics and the end goal of it.  This entails understanding the methods we should use to do so in a loving, compassionate, understanding way that will help lead people to the Lord.

There are a number of arguments against the existence of God.  This section deals with those that are more philosophical and not so scientific.  We address those in the “Science vs Evolution” section.

Is the Bible inerrant?  “How can anyone think that with all the known contradictions.”  This is a common argument against believing in the Bible.  In this section we will address this and many other questions or arguments against the Word of God.

One of the most common arguments raised against Christianity is the so called “theory of evolution”.  In this section we demonstrate how science has proven God’s existence and evolution is not a viable alternative, despite what many scientists and school teachers would have you believe.

Another major topic relating to defending Christianity is that of other religions.  “Surely Jesus isn’t the only way to God.  How can so many people in the world be wrong?”  In this section we will address this argument and those of other religions contrasting to Christianity and describe how they are different and cannot be collectively correct.  There really is only one way to God!

Even within Christianity there are a number of denominational views that vary so greatly, they put certain denominations into a category the Word of God classifies as “heresy”.  In this section we will address these denominational views and why they are so detrimental to the truth of the Gospel.