Learning God


The Gospel of the Messiah


The Gospel of Matthew is a biographical account of the lineage, life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  It starts at His birth and ends at His resurrection.  It is written from the Jewish perspective and announces that Jesus Christ is the Messiah.  The book of Matthew offers a logical conclusion to many of the Old Testament ceremonies, unachieved purposes, unappeased longings, and unfulfilled prophecies in the person of Jesus Christ, the Jewish Messiah.

This gospel contains over 60 Old Testament references, of which there were NONE in either Mark, Luke, or John.  The following list is unique to the Gospel of Matthew.

His Childhood

  1. Visit of the Magi Mt 2:1-15
  2. Massacre at Bethlehem Mt 2:16-18
  3. Flight to Egypt Mt 2:19-22
  4. Return into Nazareth Mt 2:23

Two Miracles

  1. The Two Blind Men Mt 20:30-34
  2. The Coin in the Fish’s mouth Mt 17:24-27

Nine Special Discourses

Matthew knew shorthand! It was required of a customs official (Mt 9).

  1. The Sermon on the Mount Mt 5-7
  2. The Invitation to the Weary Mt 11:28-30
  3. Idle Words Mt 12:36-37
  4. The Revelation to Peter Mt 16:17-19
  5. Humility and Forgiveness Mt 18:15-35
  6. Rejection of that Generation Mt 21:43
  7. The Eight Woes Mt 23
  8. The Prophecy on Olivet Mt 24:1-25:46
  9. The Commission and Promise Mt 28:18-20

Ten Parables

  1. The Tares Mt 13:24-30
  2. The Hidden Treasures Mt 13:44
  3. The Pearl Mt 13:45
  4. The Dragnet Mt 13:47
  5. The Unmerciful Servant Mt 18:23-35
  6. The Laborers in the Vineyard Mt 20:1-16
  7. The Two Sons Mt 21:28-32
  8. The Marriage of the King’s Son Mt 22:1-14
  9. The Ten Virgins Mt 25:1-13
  10. The Talents Mt 25:14-46

Six Events of Final Week

  1. Conspiracy and Suicide of Judas Mt 26:14-1627:3-11
  2. The Dream of Pilate’s Wife Mt 27:19
  3. Resurrection of Saints Mt 27:52, 53 (after His Resurrection)
  4. Suggested Plot about His Body Mt 27:62-64
  5. The Watch at the Sepulcher Mt 27:65-66
  6. Earthquake Resurrection morning Mt 28:2