Learning God

God's Word

Old Testament

Don’t fall into the trap of thinking the Old Testament has been replaced by the New Testament and, therefor, you don’t need to read it.  The Old Testament has a lot to offer the modern-day Christian.  The Old Testament, in particular, the five books of the law, or the Torah, lay the foundation for God’s plan of redemption.  

The twelve books of history cover the successes and failures of God’s chosen people, the Israelites.  These stories help us understand our own shortcomings, as God sees them.  They also show how God continues with them, as he does with us, to show mercy and forgiveness, as well as how He eventually does provide justice for those who do not repent.

The five books of poetry are filled with praise and glory for the creator of our universe, as well as deep insights into His nature.  These books help us understand our relationship with Him and each other and deal with deep questions we often have about life.  “Relationship” is the key theme of these books.

The five books of the major prophets, along with the 12 books of the minor prophets all focus on different aspects of what God is doing as result of the peoples  behaviors.  That applies to us today!   These prophets tell of things that were to come and already have, as well as future things not yet come.  Understanding what God said He was going to do and then seeing that it actually came to pass exactly as He said, helps us wrap our heads around those prophecies still future.  We can rely on God’s Word.  God means what He says and says what He means. What He says will come to pass as He said it would.

We are just getting started to provide the detailed content for these books.  Please check back regularly for new content.