Learning God



This is an outline to the free educational system in which we all learn about God.  This course focuses on understanding God’s Plan for the universe, our world, human government, and our very own lives.  Yes, God has a plan for each and every one of us.  This course will help you understand that plan so you can make the most of your time in this school of life.  Each of these should be taken in order the first time through, as they build on each other.

Intro - Class Rules

An introduction that gives a list of basics that you need to understand to get the most out of the class.

1 - Who and What is God?

Gain a scientific and biblical perspective to the purpose behind all things.

2 - Why Did God Create the Universe?

With the question of who and what God is answered, this section addresses the WHY we exist on a cosmic and personal scale.

3 - Free Will & Sin

Once we understand why we exist we then focus on why we live in such and messed up, sinful world.

4 - The Fall of Man

With our understanding of why there is sin in the world, we turn next to the Fall of Man and the consequences of that sin.

5 - The Plan of Redemption

God has not abandoned us.  With sin is also the opportunity for redemption.  This section focuses on what the plan looks like at a summary level.  The remainder of the class is focused on this redemption.

6 - Age of Conscience

This section focuses on human sin after the fall and the necessary consequences.

7 - The Flood

This section reflects God’s need to cleanse humanity of sin and His desire to love us and save us from that sin.

8 - Human Government Fails

Even after the flood, human nature continues to struggle to embrace the redemption God is offering.

9 - The Promise

In this section, God calls Abram (Abraham) to be an example of what God wants and promises to make his family a great nation, despite being in servitude to others.

10 - The Law

Next, God provides His example nation a detailed explanation of how humanity cannot be redeemed by its own works but must rely on the sacrifice to be cleansed.

11 - The Suffering Messiah

God then provides the perfect and final sacrifice through His own Son. Jesus shows us how to walk in the Way of the Lord while on earth, and then becomes our sacrificial lamb.

12 - The Church Age / Gentile Grace

God offers a way for all humanity to be redeemed, Jews and Gentiles alike.  The Church becomes the “Body of Christ”, which enables us to be seen by the Father as sinless, since it is Jesus living in us.

13 - The Time of Jacob's Trouble

After the Church Age comes to an end, God returns His focus to the Jews in the time of Jacob’s trouble.  This is commonly referred to as the Tribulation. 

14 - The Reigning Messiah

The Tribulation ends with the return of the Messiah as the Reigning King.  This period lasts 1,000 years in which all people worship God and live under the rule of Jesus.

15 - New Heavens & New Earth

After the Millennial Kingdom, the classroom we know as Earth is permanently closed.  We now live with God as He originally desired humanity to do so.  Only this time it is with just those who have chosen God.

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