Learning God

God's Way

God's Word


God has given us His Word, by which all things exist.  He wants us to understand it, because it is the foundation of a successful life.  God has given it to us to explain His Plan of Redemption, help us lear to relate to Him, love Him and worship Him.  He has shown us through it what will come to pass so that we may have comfort in knowing that this physical life is just the beginning of what He wants for us.  

The main header section of God’s Word goes through the Books of the Bible.  

In this section we will look at other aspects related to the Bible that go beyond the books themselves.  This includes the following.

God's Word - Studies

See God’s Word

  1. About the Bible
  2. Biblical History*
  3. Numerology*

* Content coming soon.

  • A look at the harmony of the entire Bible and how astonishingly integrated it is.  It also covers subjects such as its inerrancy, sufficiency and the types of language used.
  • A look at Biblical History, which focuses on a few key subjects, such as extra-biblical sources like archeology, that support the Bible.  It also focuses on the History of the development of the Bible.
  • A look at the topic of Numerology.  the Bible contains a number of hidden codes that help reveal an integrity of design that goes beyond our time domain.  This includes Gamatria and Equidistant Letter Sequence (ELS) codes.