Learning God



The study of Salvation

Salvation Explained - Introduction

When you ask most people what it means to be “saved”, they most commonly reply something like, “It means I’ll get to go to Heaven.”  While that is generically true, there is a lot more to the topic than just going to Heaven.  In fact, in the realm of Theology, there is an entire field of study referred to Soteriology, or the study of salvation.

The first half of the Book of Romans deals with this subject in detail.  The Apostle Paul expounded on this very topic for eight chapters.  This book is considered by many scholars to be one of the soundest logical arguments ever written.  That is because he had the help of the Holy Spirit!  Paul did not just explain what it means to be saved.  He first gave his audience, the believers of the church in Rome, a reason to desire to be saved.  That is where this lesson begins.