Learning God

God's Way

What are We to Do?


Having taken the all important step of accepting Christ as Savior and Lord, what comes next for new believers?  Or perhaps the same question applies to believers who never were told what comes next and never sought an answer. God has provided through His Word the answer to this important question.  There are a number of things we are called to do once we become born again spiritually and accept Jesus Christ into our hearts.  

Here is a list of what you will find in this study with a brief synopsis of each topic.

  1. Spiritually Mature – This focuses on learning to be a disciple of Christ, a follower of God and learning to walk in His righteousness.
  2. Put on the Armor of God – God has let us know through His Word we are in a spiritual war and we need spiritual protection.  That is where the Armor of God comes to our aid.
  3. Be an ambassador of Christ – When we call ourselves Christians, we are taking on the extremely important and highly revered Name of God. We must represent God and what He stands for at all times. This takes into account or witness of Jesus Christ.
  4. Be of Service – The most powerful tool we have is prayer and God wants us in prayer a lot! In addition to prayer, we are called to do for others, to give, to minister and evangelize.  We will take a look at each of these important topics.
  5. Defend the Faith -We are told to be ready to defend the faith. This is where apologetics comes in. It is something we have to learn and is a very important topic, so it gets its own Header Section called Apologetics.