Learning God

What are We to Do?

Develop Spiritual Maturity


What does it mean to be a “disciple”?  Jesus tells us in Matthew 28:19-20 (NLT), “Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”  Jesus tells us that to be a “disciple” you have to learn to learn to keep all that Jesus told us to do.  That doesn’t mean just learn what He said, but LIVE what He said.


Keep in mind that Jesus is the inspiration behind the entire scripture, not just the New Testament.  He told us in Luke 24:44, “Then he said, “When I was with you before, I told you that everything written about me in the law of Moses and the prophets and in the Psalms must be fulfilled.” Yes, the Old Testament is something we need to know and understand, in addition to the New Testament.

What’s the Difference Between a Disciple and an Apostle?

In case you are wondering, let’s clear up this often-confused distinction.  Many people consider these two terms synonymous, yet they are not.  The Greek word for “disciple” is “matheteuo”, which means “to follow His precepts and instructions”.  A disciple is someone who chooses to and actually follows what Jesus teaches.  An “apostle” on the other hand, is someone who was taught by Jesus directly. This may seem somewhat controversial to some who claim otherwise, however, this is a matter of interpretation.  When you look at the original Greek word “Apostolos”, it is only use of the 12 apostles, the replacement for Judas who was Mattias and of Paul.  The criteria to be an apostle was to have been taught and sent out directly by Jesus, either during His earthly ministry or after, such as Paul.  These are the only people the Greek word is used for.  All of the apostles were disciples, but only a few disciples were apostles.  There are no apostles alive today, which is why we focus on the term “disciple”.

Learning to Be a Disciple

Spiritual MaturityWhat does it take to learn to be a disciple?  Do we become one as soon as we accept Christ as our Lord and Savior?  Doing this provides us with “salvation” but does not guarantee us “discipleship”.  Accepting that Jesus died for our sins and is our “Lord” gives you “justification” before God, which means you are saved.  You then have to repent of your sins and start the process of “sanctification”.  See our topic on “Salvation” for more information on the difference and process involved. 

When you call Jesus your “Lord”, this is using an old English word that means “a man of high rank in a feudal society, such as a king.”  Back in that day and earlier, when your king told you what to do, you had to do it or face death.  An order from the king was not to be taken lightly.  Neither are the words of Jesus, or any words you find in the scriptures.  To be a disciple, we need to learn to understand and live according to His Word.  How do you do that?  That’s what this topic “Spiritual Maturity” is all about.  There are 8 sections that follow that give you the foundation and preparation you need to be good disciples and help you understand what you need to do with that preparation to be effective.  It is not enough to just learn.  We also have to interact with the world in a Christlike manner, which can be very challenging, so let’s get ready!

How to be a Disciple

The Foundation

  1. Why Learn About God

We will learn why it is important to really understand God and what He wants from us.

  1. Why Evil, Sin and Death

It is essential to have a full grasp on this concept, or it will hinder your spiritual maturation with doubts and questions.

  1. What are We Tasked to Do

Understanding God is the start, but next we need to learn what He wants us to go and do.  The answer has nothing to do with what job you have or want.  As usual with God, the answer is spiritual applied to the physical.

  1. God’s Plan of Redemption

We next get into more depth about God’s plan for us and how our lives fit into it.

The Preparation

  1. How to Prepare for and Defend Against the Enemy

The first 4 sections give you the foundation on which to build.  In this one we learn in practical terms how to prepare to defend against the enemy and win the spiritual battle!  In this one we will learn how to put on the Armor of God!

In the Church

  1. Fellowship

The first 5 sections help you be ready to deal with the real world.  This one deals with you interactions with other believers.

In the World

  1. Spread the Word

Now we are branching outside the comfort zone of talking to people who are believers and dealing with the outside world. 

  1. Defend the Faith

When we encounter non-believers, and even some believers, they will often have questions or downright objections.  We need to be ready to defend the faith.

When we mature to the point where we understand our foundation, learn how to wear the Armor of God daily, and are interacting with others, both inside and outside the church in order to spread the Word, we are effective disciples.  The sections above will help you learn how to do that!  “Go and make disciples.”