Learning God

God's Way

Who are We?


God wants us to understand who we are and the role we plan in His grand Plan of Redemption.  Through God’s Word we are given insights into this difficult question.  Many people struggle with finding the meaning of life.  God gives us the answer to this tough question in His Word. We just have to know how to find it!  

In this section we will study the following.

Who are We? - Studies

Introduction to Who are We?

  1. Humanity*
  2. Sin*
  3. Israel
  4. Church*

*Content coming soon.

  1. Humanity – Why are humans here?  What is our general purpose?
  2. Sin – Why does God allow sin and death?  How does sin play a part in His Plan?
  3. Israel – God’s chosen people.  It was through them we received God’s Word, the Law and our Savior!  How do they play into the Plan?  Do they have a role in the future?
  4. Church – What is the church and what is its role in the Plan?