Learning God

God's Way

Who is God?


This is a big question.  There are many challenges in providing a complete answer to this question, given the fact that we are not God and do not exist in the same realm He does.  It is sort of like asking a pawn in a chess match to describe the full nature of the chess master that is directing its movements.  We can only know what we can see and deduce from our senses and from what He tells us.

To answer this awesome question, we have the privilege of hearing direct from the source, through His Word.  There is a lot to this topic, so we will take a chunk at a time and look at it from a few different perspectives.

We will investigate the following subjects to address this complex question.

  1. Scientific Perspective – What does science have to tell us about God?  Does science support the idea of an omnipotent creator that is outside our space/time continuum?
  2. What is God? – We will look at what God is from the biblical perspective.  Fortunately, God has shared with us enough for us to understand.
  3. God the Creator – We will look at God’s role as the creator of our physical universe.
  4. God the Trinity – We will look at how we can understand God as three persons in one God.  
  5. God the Teacher – We will look at how God wants us to learn and teach His creation to Love Him and love others.
  6. The Characteristics of God –  We will look at what the Bible teaches us about the various characteristics of God.