Learning God

7 Churches of Revelation

The Structure of the Letters

About the Structure of the Seven Letters

A close study of these seven letters reveals that there is a consistent structure to them.  They contain, for the most part, the same components.  There are a few exceptions where certain components are missing, which is revealing in its own way.  

This study shows us there are seven components to each letter.  

  1. Each one starts by addressing the Name of the Church.  The name of the church or area where the church was physically present has meaning when you look at not only the Greek, but in some cases what the original name of the location was. It plays into the story of the letters. 
  2. The second component of the letters is the Name Jesus chooses for Himself.  it is different in every case.  It also plays into the meaning of the letters. 
  3. Jesus then gives each church a report card.  he starts with the Commendations or good things they have done.
  4. He follows that up with any Criticisms or bad things they have done.
  5. Then Jesus gives each church and Exhortation or point of emphasis they should be focused on going forward.
  6. Each letter has a Promise to the Overcomer, which is something they can look forward to if they stay true to Jesus.  This is a reward in Heaven.
  7. Each letter also has a consistent admonition, which is “He that has an ear, hear what the Spirit says to the churches”.  

The last two switch order after the first three churches.  This is likely due to the prophetic nature of the last four churches all having a place in end-times prophecy, while the first three do not.  The first three church types, as will be explained in the subsequent sections, are all  historical only and not around during the last days.  The last four church types are all around and have a part in end-time prophecy.  Read on to understand more.