Learning God


The Book of Beginnings


Genesis establishes God’s ultimate purpose from the very beginning.  That is to willingly choose to live in alignment with Him and serve His will.  It starts with the creation of the physical universe.  God created humanity and provides us with free will, so that we may act in His image, if we choose to do so.  Humanity, tempted by Satan, selfishly tries to replace God with their own desires and suffers for it.  God cleanses the earth of iniquity and saving only Noah and his family.  Once again, humanity turns away from God and builds an idol to themselves in the Tower of Babel.  God cause confusion and disperses the people. 

God then raises up an example for us all to learn from.  He calls Abram (later called Abraham), promising to bless him and his descendants if they will follow him.  This is the birth of the Israelites.  The story of Genesis follows from Abraham to his son Isaac, then Jacob and eventually the 12 patriarchs and their entry into Egypt and their time of bondage.  Sin is a persistent problem.