Learning God

Be of Service



God wants you to learn how to be in a loving relationship with Him and to trust Him for your protection and needs. God wants you to know that IF you choose to follow Him and show Him that you are serious and persistent, He will answer your prayers, given they glorify God, serve His kingdom, and help others.

God is not going to answer the prayers of unbelievers. This includes all those that call themselves Christians but haven’t actual accepted Christ as their Savior and Lord.  They just use the title of Christian but want to walk in their own ways and have no interest in following God’s ways or reading His Word. Also, those who believe in many different types of gods and think Jesus is just one of them, they will also not be heard.  The exception to this is the prayer for salvation. God will definitely hear that one and will always answer it!

God tells us through His Word that He wants us to clean up our act by turning away from our sins, as best we can. He will help with that, especially if you pray for that help.  He wants us to get in His Word and learn to love it!  This is done by reading.  The more you do so, the more of it He will open up to you spiritually.  This builds faith and He wants to see that we believe we are going to get what we pray for!  To do that, we have to learn that we are praying for HIS WILL, not ours.  We can pray for our protection, deliverance and basic needs, and He will provide those for us, at least from a spiritual perspective. 

We should pray persistently. The more we show God how much we want a prayer answered, the more likely He is to do so.  We can pray for spiritual protection against dark forces and we can tell those dark forces to leave our presence in the name of Jesus Christ.  Remember that everything we pray for in HIS NAME, and in HIS WILL, He will answer.

After you have prayed for salvation, pray to thank God and praise Him.   He always appreciates hearing that if it is sincere.  Pray for your needs to be met and for your deliverance through a difficult situation or trial.  Also pray for the spiritual growth of other believers and the salvation of unbelievers.  God wants to see we love others and want them to be saved.  He was willing to die for us as sinners. We can at least pray for the unbelievers.

Praying this way is what God wants to see in us in terms of our relationship with Him, along with the vital reading of His Word.  Doing these two things consistently will help ensure God is answering your prayers!

The key thing to take away is that God answers the prayers of those who FOLLOW Him.  You don’t have to be perfect, but you do have to be willing.  God wants us in prayer often, so get on your knees, or however you choose to pray, and start a conversation with your Creator, King, Lord and Savior!  And don’t forget to give Him the praise and thanks He so deserves!