Learning God

Who is God?

God the Trinity

Understanding the Trinity - Attributes of the Trinity

We can see how the Trinity has all of the same attributes when we take into account all of the scriptures, as we would expect from 3 forms of the same Being. 

Divine Attributes Father Son Holy Spirit
Gives life
Gen. 1:11–31; John 5:21
John 1:4; John 5:21
Rom. 8:10–11; John 3:8
Creator of all things
Ps. 100:3; Ps. 102:25
John 1:3
Ps. 104:30
Creator of Man
Gen 2:7
Col 1:16
Job 33:4
Heb 10:5
Philippians 2:7
Luke 1:35
Ps. 90:2; Rom. 16:26–27
John 1:2; Rev. 1:17
Heb. 9:14
Omnipresent (capable of being everywhere at once)
Jer. 23:24
Eph. 1:23
Ps. 139:7
Omniscient (knows all things)
1 John 3:20
John 21:17
1 Cor. 2:10
Ps. 22:15; Rom 8:32; John 3:16
Eph. 5:2
Heb. 9:14
Wills and acts supernaturally
Eph. 1:5
Matt. 8:3
1 Cor. 12:11
Inspiration of Scriptures
2 Tim 3:16
1 Pet. 1:10-11
2 Pet. 1:21
Strengthens believers
Ps. 138:3
Phil. 4:13
Eph. 3:16

The Image of God

In Genesis 1:26 it says, “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness…” What does it mean to be made in the image of God?  We know the Father has not form.  We know we don’t all look the same physically, so we are not made in the same physical image.  Notice it says “make man in OUR image,” 

We are made in the image of God, in that we have a mind, a body and a spirit.  Think of the mind as the Father.  It has no physical form and makes all of the decisions.  Think of the body as the Son.  Jesus is the physical manifestation of the Father, so our body is the way in which we manifest into physical reality that which is in our minds.  Our Spirit is like the Holy Spirit, in that it is the eternal energy and driving force behind all that we do.  God shares His Spirit with us and that is our Spirit.